Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Truth and Trust in Social Media - report from the SMWLDN panel

Social Media Week London kicked off (for me at least) at 8:30am on Monday morning. That's when I joined with fellow panelists Jenny Afia – Schillings, Guy Stephens – CapGemini, Euan Semple  and Benjamin Ellis - Redcatco / Socialoptics at Like Minds opening event.
The topic at hand (to which I was afforded the luxury of providing the introductory scene and context setter) was Truth and Trust and why what you do matters in social media.
Thanks to all those who joined in from outside the room via the #smwldn or #likeminds hashtags on twitter.
I'm back at the same venue (Adam Street Club - just off the Strand in London) on Friday at 4pm for the final Like Minds event of the week on the future of being social.
In the meantime it's good to see Monday's early morning session was covered by way of a live blog - so if you missed it you can catch the summary here.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Social Media Week London: Truth, trust and the future of being social

I'm delighted to have been invited to take part in just about the best two panels of Social Media Week London (next week). Organisers Like Minds and myself would be delighted to see you there. 

The first is on Monday the 24th at 9am Truth, Trust and Why What You Do Matters in Social Media. I'm doing the intro on that one and themes I aim to raise include the value and impact of sousveillance, purpose, the challenge of truth versus privacy and the benefits for sustainability that our open economy not only delivers but demands. 

The second is on the Friday 28th at 4pm and is on the subject of The Future of Being Social. As you can imagine I have a thing or two to say about that - particularly around how the web changes the way we organise and what that means for society.

Both events are at The Adam St Club, just off The Strand. (more details in links)

Fellow panelists include Kred CEO Andrew Grill, authors Mark Earls (Herd), Alan Moore (No Straight Lines) and Euan Semple (Organisations Don't Tweet, People Do) and Dachis Group Europe MD Lee Bryant

Full details of other Like Minds events and registration are here:http://ow.ly/dACZB 

I hope you can join us?
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