Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Post-Christmas posting

I decided not to make a lot of predictions for 2007... I have, however, finally tied myself to a new broadband ISP for the new year, meaning I can finally end the internet drought at home. For the record I've picked Zen Broadband, due to their near flawless reputation, and so far, it's been pretty impressive, with payment status, activation status etc all emailed to me within minutes and hours of signing up online...

In other news, Burger King has seen a huge success in the U.S. with a range of three Xbox 360 games, selling for $3.99. Microsoft has claimed sales of over 2 million copies (report here). Given the reports of middling sales for the 360, it's particularly impressive, and shows the value of targetting your consumers effectively. A marketing blogger from Second Life-based firm Crayon points out the difference in effectiveness this camapaign, and a previous effort to attract boy band fans... It's pretty obvious which group are more likely to consume the most burgers.

And lastly, I've now been asked to become Online Editor of free online publication Disposable Media. It's a PDF download, created a by a group of people who have only ever corresponded via a forum and MSN Messenger, and it's been listed in Web User magazine as one of the top 150 free downloads, so it must be doing something right. I'm going to be creating the new website for the title, so it'll be interesting to see if I can stick to my Web 2.0 principles....but in the meantime, there are five cracking issues avaivable, plus a Nintendo Wii special imminent, at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stressed,
    When you start putting your new site together give me a shout. I'd be interested in particular in what 2.0 in-the-browser tech you plan to deploy.
