Monday, July 30, 2012

Open Business Principle 2: Open Capital

I've just published the third in 90:10 Group's series of blog posts on the 10 Principles of Open Business.
Those familiar with this blog will find some familiar themes.

A portion of it is very close in spirit to a post I published here early in June 2012 - Create Value As If The World Exists.

Here's an excerpt from Principle 2: Open Capital.
"In line with the needs of the industrial age, Capital was organised on the principles of mass and centralised control; Big blocks of cash held by small groups of decision-makers fitted that world.

"But the networked world requires something new, something which delivers faster decisions together with wider distribution of both risk and reward, something which moves the role of the customer from ‘end user’ to participant and partner; something which is a better fit with networks.

"We call this Open Capital: Using crowd-funding platforms or principles to raise capital through micro-investments... today’s entrepreneurs opt for Open Capital knowing that the advantages go far beyond a new route to capital... Open Capital shares the costs and risks and therefore the ownership and the passion. It democratises innovation."
Read it in full.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Open Business: Principle 1 - Purpose

I've just published the second in the series of blog posts on the Principles of Open Business over on
Here's an excerpt:

Most organisations are good at ‘What’ they do and ‘How’ they do it. But ask them Why? And things get trickier...
Most when asked about Purpose will point to Mission Statements.  Unfortunately in the majority of cases a Mission Statement begs a further question: Why?
Many are written along the lines of “To be No1 in our chosen markets and sectors returning maximum value to shareholders”.
That Why is important. It is what brings people together, motivates them, inspires them to support your cause. In a connected world in which the organisation’s role is to act as a platform to help others achieve a collective shared Purpose, it is essential. It is how you succeed.
Read the full post on
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

The 10 Principles of Open Business

Regular readers know my day job at 90:10 Group focuses on delivering Open Business. After 3 years of doing so with large organisations across EMEA, co-founder Jamie Burke and I have concluded there are 10 Principles of Open Business.
An Open Business is one which uses its available resources to discover people who care about the same Purpose it does, brings those people together and joins with them to achieve that Purpose.
It is designed from the outset to scale through participation. It makes partners of customers.
Over the next few weeks we'll build on this to define the 10 Principles of Open Business and share case studies demonstrating the success of each Principle in practice. We’ll set a ‘Goal State’ as the ideal outcome and describe the ‘Worst Case’ position – to enable you to benchmark your organisation’s progress towards each Goal States.

To read the first post in the series visit

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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Worlds apart

Imagine only being able to see in two dimensions, to move in two dimensions, to measure your world in two dimensions?

Imagine I told you there was a third? That not only was it possible to move left and right, but also up and down.

Imagine you are a hunter in two-dimension world, that what you do depends on movement. You had no idea that up and down stuff existed, let alone was possible for you. And then I tell you there are loads of hunters just like you out there right now moving up and down as well as left and right.

And they are doing better than you.

They don't just fish where the fish are in two dimensions, but in three.

The scale of their world is infinitely more vast. The opportunities infinitely richer.

All you have to do to join in is look up. Or wait to get swallowed whole by something you couldn't even conceive of.