Monday, August 11, 2008

FasterFuture now available for iPhone

FasterFuture has long been mobilised: most notably via mippin.

Now there's a version for the iPhone, created on Mofuse.
You'll find it at:

It'll look a little something like this:


  1. Hi David, you already had a version for the iPhone! Did you try the Mippin version of your site on the iPhone - it looks fantastic. We support all the devices you might wish us to.

  2. Nope, I hadn't. But I will right away. Thanks for the steer.

  3. Take a look at the Pepsi Challenge:

  4. you could always take an actual screenshot of your phone in action hold down the home button (thing at the bottom) and press the on/off switch, it will then flash white and drop the image into your camera roll..handy for showing screenshots of your new iPhone!

  5. Thanks Simon. Someone showed me how to do exactly that today. must try the bluetooth too

  6. oh brilliant - one it can't find other devices. two I see from a google search it blocks sending images etc. fail


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