There are still those who think the customer is a thing to be done to. Then there are also those who think that if a customer is to be listened to at all it is only to take part in a vote on stuff you've already decided to make or do.
And there are others still who are Open Business enough to consider allowing customers to shape products and services. This is the staple of the open door social media offers to business.
But business strategy? Surely that's one step beyond.
No. Not for a vast chunk of CEOs at the highest performing businesses.
IBM's Customer Activated Enterprize report reveals that: "More than half of CxOs expect to open up their enterprises – bringing
down barriers to extend collaboration inside and outside.
Their most
radical shift may be a new view on what it means to collaborate with
The report is the result of interviews with 4,000 CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, CIOs a similar leaders from 70 countries and across 20 industries. It
reveals 60 per cent of CEOs plan to directly engage their customers and
proactively apply what they learn to set their business agendas in the
next three to five years.
Already 43 percent of CEOs include
customers in the development of business strategies.
And it's not just any old companies. IBM says there is a key correlation between the companies that
succeed and their levels of external collaboration. Outperforming
companies are 54 percent more likely to collaborate extensively with
IBM's own story of collaboration features in my book, The 10 Principles of Open Business, available for pre-order today.