Thursday, January 28, 2021

Quantum Organisations: In superposition until data observations make them manifest

The quantum organisation is emerging as the engine of value generation in a world of uncertainty.

This is an organisation in superpostion until the moment data observation provides the insight for it to converge on its future state.

Already binary choices - such as business or IT - are being consigned to the history books. Super-positions of yes and no, 1 and 0, in multiple array create a quantum organisation designed to exist in multiple future possible states.

To achieve this the quantum organisation sets its purpose-led parameters and designs to:

  • Listen: Through data discovery-and-capture processes which are natively automated for continuous improvement.
  • Learn: Derive insight from the data with which to calculate the possibility of all viable and Purpose-aligned future states, improving accuracy through cycles of automated and iterative learning. The best fit are the future value opportunities with which the quantum organisation manifests its best-bet future state.
  • Respond: Meet the needs of the best-fit future state we choose, at speed and with accuracy, through the application of end-to-end intelligent, self-improving, iterative, automated human-enhancing processes of delivery decision-making.

To meet the needs of people, partners, planet and profit, all iterative processes described above should be both informed and constrained by relevant and fresh data representing each enabling part of the ecosystem.

Of course, in this way only one, extremely effective, version of the organisation is actually brought into existence at any one time (at least in our universe...). What I seek to emphasise with this quantum organisation idea, is the importance of maintaining the routes to all-possible viable futures (constrained within each organisations' parameters) as effectively as possible - given the range of unknown unknowns currently in play and likely to be for rest of this decade.

In these circumstances of ambiguity, the only big bet to make is on systems enabling organisational superposition and on the processes that enable Listen-Learn-Respond toward the future value opportunities you converge and manifest in.

The supporting Emerging Tech Platform for exactly this is rapidly assembling with Native Automation, People & Process and Data & Insights the agents of change. The mindset - the unifying vision of what it is to be genuinely digitally transformed to this new future-value creating state is already with us.

At HFS Research we call it OneOffice. 

Photo by mary rabbit on Unsplash

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