Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Services and the death of the website

There are some fairly obvious conclusions to be drawn for anyone making use of widgets, rss feeds and the rest of the web2.0 toolkit.

One of those is the death of the website as we know it. By which I mean a website that doesn't travel with you on your browser, doesn't respond by delivering different content to different users, serves the same ads to every visitor etc etc.

Media companies can't rely on creating a site filled with great content and expect people to come. The Mountains must go to Mohammad.

Users want that great content to be targeted to them, and not just via the gift of search. Services that know you and respond to what you teach them is what is required (think Last.fm, yahoo radio etc).

Web2.0 makes the internet about people, not information. The user wants to be able to dictate what content is drawn to them through self-selection (think google personalised home).

Google personalised home demonstrates the widget-as-services model quite nicely as well.

Traditional Media companies have, thus far, been committed to delivering or aggregating content. They must learn to deliver services, too. Make the right services available and users will interact with you.

And if you think in service terms, then part of that is delivering the service to the person at the place it's most useful to them - and that is always, always mobile.

And so, the rush to mobile internet gets a little faster. In the rush, do not expect to simply 'optimise for the mobile browser'. The mobile internet requires a different experience from that offered by most fixed line sites. It pretty much means build another digital experience.

See Tomi Ahonen's piece (linked below)

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