Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My new role at emap

Regulars may be interested to know I have a new role. It's still at media company emap.
Here's how it's being communicated by Group Managing Director Ian Templeton:

"I have asked David Cushman to take on a challenge to help us accelerate our adoption of new technologies, capture the knowledge that exists within (and outside) Emap Peterborough and to act as a provoker of ideas as to how we grow our business.

"David is appointed Digital Development Director – a new role aimed at engaging ‘the network’ internally and externally. He will work to promote and enhance the revenue and idea-generating power created when our thoughts are shared.

"This means he will work with digital communities and face-to-face gatherings to inspire more product launches, reinventions and acquisitions, and use his role as a thought leader in community, media and mobile to bring us future business intelligence.

"David will report to me.

"David said: “I appreciate that this role doesn’t fit our usual expectations. If you’d like to know more about what we have in mind come and talk to me, drop me an email or read and comment on my blog.

"A mobile seminar, to kick it all off, will be held later this month..."

There's a link to my full job description listed towards the bottom of this page.


  1. Congratulations - next time you're in London we should definitely grab a coffee!
    David, Editor

  2. Nice one David, glad to see emap taking advantage of the talent they have

  3. Congrats Mr Cushman...Looking forward to the mobile seminar on Tuesday...

  4. Congratulations David, a drink is definitely in order!


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