Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Solve your customers problems to solve yours

To solve your business problems all you need to do is just two things:
Solve your customers' problems.
Solve your employees' problems.

All too often, we think the first problem we should prioritise is one of our own:
We have stock to off-load,
We have too much/too little capacity,
We have too little supply. (etc)

All these roads lead to too little cash and looming bills.

You can make all these problems go away by solving your customer's problems and solving your employee's problems. We know this to be true. The problems we end up with (see above) are mostly caused by is failing to gather insight at speed, failing to respond towards employee/customer value and/or failing to respond fast enough.

So, equipping yourself to gather insight, react with value for the end user and respond at the speed of rapidly shifting context, is what pays the bills. Always has been. But the pace at which we must respond has been increasing steadily through successive technology revolutions as information spreads faster and contexts shift.

Today the pace is greater than any of us has ever witnessed.
Lock-down rules, as they tighten or loosen, create instant new contexts against which customer and employee need must be reinterpreted. Today is different from yesterday. Tomorrow could be more so. Now is the time to remodel for faster and more accurate response to change.

Two models offer instant support:

1 Respond at Speed to Customer Need: Rapid Iterative Solution Development

With a smart and repeatable approach to access to actionable insight, clarity of constraints, a real discipline around what constitutes the minimum viable product, authority delegated into the solutions team and supported with appropriate process and tools, you can keep pace with the craziest of schedules. Crucially, working in this approach can be achieved by teams working across both distributed time and space.
2. Respond at Speed to Employee Need: Rapid Route To Better Working

The context of our work changed massively with lock-down. For some, work became impossible. But office and information workers have embarked on an accelerated journey toward distributed working, from which there is no coming back.

Some are simply making do with the tech, processes and leadership of the central office model left in place. And in failing to respond to the employee needs emerging from each new context, they create additional problems for themselves - those of employee capacity and supply in the new better in which they must now compete.

Solve your customers problems, solve your employees problems. They will solve yours.

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The rate of change is so rapid it's difficult for one person to keep up to speed. Let's pool our thoughts, share our reactions and, who knows, even reach some shared conclusions worth arriving at?