Saturday, August 15, 2020

Track and trace trash tech enables instant fines

Fast Food retailers are leading the way with a new track and trace initiative which will enable local authorities to identify - and fine - those who dump their trash where they shouldn't.

Each item of packaging will carry a unique code. The code gets associated with a customer at point of purchase when an electronic payment is made. When you tap your card or phone, your bank details act as your unique identifier. If that packaging is subsequently found as litter by local authority collectors - on pavements, in hedges or otherwise carelessly discarded in the environment - the item can be scanned and the 'owner' identified.

Initially offenders will be contacted with advice on taking better care of their planet. But repeat offenders face a fixed penalty of £80 with fines rising to £2500 if they fail to pay on time or fail to learn their lesson.

If only, huh?

Is this really just my weekend daydream - an example of imagination leaping ahead of technology?

You tell me. What stands in the way of making this happen? How could you make it simpler?

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