Friday, December 19, 2008

A shared model of social media strategy

Tom Nixon (he of Nixon McInness) has been working up a diagram to act as a model for social media strategy. It's going to be a creative commons project and Tom has already reached out to myself (at - site going live any moment now!) and others to sense-check his initial proposals. The outcome of this initial tinkering is seen below.

What I've seen so far has been a remarkably detailed and deep reaching description of the Power of the Network and one I have very few quibbles with.

It has started life on the Nixon-McInness blog but, as we discussed off camera (you'll see a video below) we feel it's going to be wise to widgetise - and make the ideas and concept as portable as possible.

I'm already thinking about how we could create a truly interactive version of the diagram Tom has started us all off with. Something the team at (my lot) could contribute, I'm thinking.

And I wonder if Dave Armano might consider throwing his considerable talents into the co-creation mix on this one? And with purpose core in the model, we're going to need Mark Earls, too. How about it fellas?

Tom and I met on Tuesday to talk about the project. And I shot this quick video of him elaborating on it.

I hope you will take up his offer to join in.

I'll be sharing this at the P2PR community, too.

Enjoy the street sounds :-)

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  1. Thanks for covering this David, and good talking to you the other day.

    We've been iterating the model - have changed the middle box. Edge Competencies is just too academic a concept to make sense in a simple model like this so I've made it a bit more straightforward. Let me know what you think:

  2. Hi Tom, will post an update and some questions to help us tackle this at around noon on December 23.


The rate of change is so rapid it's difficult for one person to keep up to speed. Let's pool our thoughts, share our reactions and, who knows, even reach some shared conclusions worth arriving at?