Monday, November 03, 2008

Get my book: The Power of the Network, free

Finally, I've got round to completing the production of my first book: The Power of the Network.
It's a compilation of my white papers and is available as at low a price as I could set via When it arrives at Amazon I'll share, too.

The download is 49p, the print paperback is £3.98.

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The small amount of each price that finds its way back to me I'll pledge here and now to donate/loan via social bank

It is never intended for profit, but rather to share and evolve ideas.

To that end, if you are a blogger yourself and would like a copy to review, I'll send one to you free, provided you are prepared to publish a review (good, bad or indifferent).

All you have to do is drop me an email (subject line: book review) with the url of your blog, a description of your regular subject matter (you don't want to be sharing your review if its not relevant to your community, do you?). And I'll need your postal address of course.

I'll send out as many as I can afford (this is entirely self-funded so numbers will be strictly limited at first. Promise to let you know if you are successful or otherwise!). So if you feel you can spare the 49p for a download of £3.98 for a paperback and both buy and review, all the better.)

When and if you do review, please let me know, so I can link back to you.
I'll also be linking to all those who apply to join the free review copy list.

You can preview the book here. Many fine folks are thanked inside. My apologies if I've missed anyone.

The Power of the Network is made available under a creative commons licence.

The name was chosen by crowd via some healthy tweeting. Neil Perkin suggested: "The User is the Destination - one of my favourite Cushmanism's." And while the book does delve into that concept, I thought, on balance, The Power of the Network was a better summary of the whole.
And as @simonfrank suggested; "The Power of the Network works as a philosophy/brand."

The cover artwork is by fasterfuture regular Gregory Lent. Love his work and thrilled that he agreed to allow its use in this project.

In short, we did this together. So please join me in sharing. Review where you can, rate where you can, share where you can. If you find it useful...

All feedback welcomed with open ears.


  1. Good stuff David - having read many of your papers I know this is a good buy for anyone interested in just how game-changing networks are. Best of luck with it

  2. Thanks Neil, for that very kind endorsement. You get a credit in the thanks

  3. Congrats on getting out the book and I may take up the review invite for my blog on Brand Republic. -Lisa

  4. good work fella. like i said, i'll be buying a couple for clients christmas stocking fillers.

  5. David, great work and i look forward to writing about it in my regular columns and on msearchgroove. even more excited about our podcast :)


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